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King William "TEA" Party
(Taxed Enough Already)
What Can I Say ?
If You like What we do - Your Donations will Make it Happen !!
How To Donate:
Mail A Check:
Payable To - King William Tea Party Inc
King William Tea Party Inc.
106 Cherry Hill Circle, East
Aylett, VA 23009
Come to Our Meetings and Donate There.
How are your Donations Spent?
1. The Materials that create the Yellow signs you see around the county.
2. The ads and inserts you see and get in the local Newspapers.
3. Some of our Meetings call for space to be paid for.
Not a penny of the Donations goes to a salary for any of our volunteers and officiers.
In fact they donate their materials, time and talent without protest and all for a reward
of knowing they are among the last defenders of the freedoms we were given by our Founding Fathers.
If our Tax Dollars were spent in like manner - There would be no National Debt.