King William
County Virginia
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and Meetings Page - Year 2021
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Our Upcoming Events KING WILLIAM T.E.A. PARTY
The Next King William T.E.A. Party Meetings: May 11, 2023 In view of the many controversies surrounding the county’s 2020 & 2021 budget and other factors, KWTP is exploring solutions for reigning in the creeping growth and expanding cost of government. We hope the Board will prove up to the Task. Brief updates on local, state and national issues. Come early if possible and see another of the stirring and inspiring videos we've found. The Meetings starts at 6:30PM - so come on in and have a seat. They begin promptly at 6:30 PM and you'll be out by 7:30 PM. ********************************************************** KWTP continues to take the lead with credible information on a variety of hot-button issues at local, state and national levels. ***************************************************************************************************** Smash n Grab Ominous Sign of Social Unrest To Come King William T.E.A Party (Taxed Enough Already) - Dec 3, 2021 - Commentary At some point retailers will hunker down and exert serious pressure on legislators and law enforcement to do something about the clear lawlessness that is now becoming a daily occurrence across the nation. From the easy cash they can raise (considering about 10 minutes or less of work) aided and abetted by the no cash bail and immediate release from jail when they are caught, this phenomenon is wetting the appetite of a brazen new breed of young criminals that see no downside to their behavior. Social conditioning , learning as they have grown up that this type of behavior was first tolerated in their homes, (often with no strong male figure of authority present) further emboldened by a public school policy that increasingly hinders any punishment for misconduct (under the allegation that the punishment if racially slanted) and a society that has people who will purchase their ill-gotten gains of the theft's, because it is a real deal to buy goods at such a discount, these criminals see no reason to stop this conduct. The question I pose is this. When retailers figure out how to curtail this (and they will eventually) what happens then? These thugs going to go out and get a job? I don't think so, they will simply choose another target. I suspect with the behavior having been so profitable for them they will turn their attention to private residences to keep the easy money flowing. As they say a leopard doesn't change its spots because you corral or cage it---it is still a leopard. To Read The Rest of the Article" Click the Link Political Elites or go to: http://www.kwteaparty.com/PDF/12 3 21 Smash.pdf ********************************************************** Wharton's Olivia Mitchell and Leora Friedberg of the University of Virginia discuss the $4.4 trillion public sector pension shortfall. Not Enough time, Not Enough Money Sanitation workers, firefighters, teachers and other state and local government employees have performed their duties in the public sector for decades with the understanding that their often lackluster salaries were propped up by excellent benefits, including an ironclad pension. But Moody’s Investors Service recently estimated that public pensions are underfunded by $4.4 trillion. That amount, which is equivalent to the economy of Germany, accounts for one-fifth of national debt. It’s a significant concern for public employees who were banking on a fully funded retirement to get them through their golden years. To Listen to the podcast and read the background information - Click on Our Link Pension or go to: http://knowledge.wharton.upenn.edu/article/the-time-bomb-inside-public-pension-plans/ ********************************************************** |
We have provided The Links At the bottom of our Home page - Now it is Your Turn - Use Them At a loss for Words to Say - Go to Our King William Letters Page. Here - You will find over 30 letters written by people in King William. Find One you like and use it to send a message to your Elected Representatives. This is the only way to tell them What You Think and Want to Happen. * Now Register Your Position on Federal Issues with our Link Register Positions on Federal Issues Easily! or go to https://www.popvox.com/home ***************************************************************************************************** King William B.O.S Delivers a Lump of Coal for Taxpayers King William T.E.A Party (Taxed Enough Already) - Dec 5, 2021 - Commentary After Bob Ehrhart and Dave Hansen were voted out of office in 2019. The King William T.E.A Party warned citizens the transparency that would be lost with these two men now gone. It didn't take long and sure enough in August 2021, the current Board voted to increase your property taxes by some 7.5%. Did you hear much public discussion of this latest tax increase? I know I didn't. Was the public made aware they intended to " dip further into your pocket"? The 5 members of this Board all voted for this, certainly we could have expected both Dave Hansen & Bob Ehrhart would have said NO to this tax increase. It isn't that it is just another couple of bucks in higher taxes on your car or truck, it is the relentless appetite these 5 members have for continuing the spending spree that began in 2019 and will continue unabated until citizens get off of their duffs and say.............enough. Look at the expansion of both the Sheriff's department and the EMS services, 6 new deputies and 13 new F/T Fire & Rescue personnel. When the Grant money (that magic fairy dust money) runs out the BILL comes due. To Read The Rest of the Article" Click the Link Lump of Coal or go to: http://www.kwteaparty.com/PDF/12 5 21 King William .pdf See The Website As A Mom Here (http://www.asamom.org/) you will find links directed to Moms and Moms at heart who work to preserve our Constitution, Country and Children's Future. Lori Parker founded the group that emphasized the importance of women in solving government issues. ![]() |