We're on guard for you and your family against fraud, waste, abuse, cronyism, incompetence and more. We look at government in King William, Richmond and D.C.
Lee County Va Takes the Lead in Keeping Our Kids Safe
Lee County Va has voted to implement a plan which will arm certain select school employees
to be able to defend themselves and the students in Lee County in case of an active shooter
or terrorist attack or other threat to the lives of our kids.
1. Support the continuation of increased State funding for the K-12 Education
2.Support equal authority among all of the counties to levy & collect a tobacco tax
3.Enable counties , on the initiative and action by their governing bodies, to
establish a meals tax, without referendum, at a rate not to exceed 8 percent.
Let's invite King William taxpayers to see for themselves the mindset of our elected
officials. 16 States have experienced declining school age populations and " increased funding"
as if no consideration should be even weighed as to KW student population projections.......just
increase the funding ?
The second and third both note either a new tax or authority to raise an existing one ( meals tax).
The special wording----WITHOUT REFERENDUM--- is worth highlighting since it clearly embodies
the mentality that citizens should shut up and just sit down............"we know what's best for you"
This is a textbook example of why I have driven the issue of the G.A passing Referendum Reform here
in Virginia. The Wall St. Journal cited 2 years ago in an article discussing the various states laws
on Citizen driven referendums, and called out Virginia ,stating " Virginia's referendum laws are from
the dark ages" Perhaps this might make a interesting topic for the local newspapers who might have
some interest in exposing why the G.A drags their feet, when citizens want more control over local
taxing/spending related issues. It is not without note that they included that very specific language"
without referendum" in their letter.
These Board members continue to cite the " state mandates" that drive spending up in localities
being forced to spend money to satisfy these mandates forced upon them. Perhaps I missed it....but
do you see any mention of asking the G.A to freeze or eliminate any of these mandates they like to
whine about ? Or is it perhaps just a convenient excuse they roll out again and again when they raise
taxes ?
School Spending Will Increase This Year In Spite Of Falsehoods Promoted By Chairman Greenwood
Greenwood Called A Reduction In Debt Service Payments A Spending Cut
Greenwood Campaigned And Told Voters He Intended To Cut Spending
Greenwood Claimed - The Level Of Funding Initially Proposed By The State And Later Reduced
A "Spending Cut" To The School Budget
-------------The Facts Tell A Different Story------------------
Kw County Schools Will Spend Hundreds Of ThousandsMore This Year
Than Last Year------Greenwood Is Misleading Citizens, And He Knows It! Does A School System With 4 Schools Really Need A Superintendent And
An Assistant Superintendent? These 2 Positions Alone Account For Almost $300,000 In Annual Salaries /Benefits !
Kw County Has An Excessive Reserve Fund Of Some 6.4 Million Dollars?
The .02 Reduction In The Real Estate Tax Rate Is Nothing More Than A Loan Of Your Money To Give A Home Owner A $38 Reduction In His/Her Tax Bill Greenwood Borrowed (From You) $38 To Give You A $38 Tax Reduction On Your Tax.
-------------Does That Make Any Sense To You?--------------
Why Does The B.O.S Keep Such A Large Reserve Balance? To Fund Their Pet Projects And Wish List Items This Is Why Government Spending Is Out Of Control.
The Solution----Reduce The Reserve Fund Level Permanently.
If Citizens Allow Them To Keep This Large Balance - Just What Will They Do?
Supervisor Greenwood , Moskalski And Hodges Voted To Fund A New Regional
Government Economic Commission With Your Tax Dollars This - In Spite Of Not Answering The Following Question........ What Do We Have To Show For The $200,000 Spent In The Last 10 Years
On An " Economic Consultant " Where Did That Money Go, To Whom And For Just What
------------- Specifically ? ------------
Either They Can Not Or Will Not Answer That Question---We've Tried
So Why Throw More Of Our Hard Earned Money In Another
85% Of The Money Will Be Spent On Salaries /Benefits For Another
Government Entity With Nothing To Show For It, No Different Than The Last
10 Years And $200,000 Already Spent That They Refuse To Account For !
King William "TEA" Party
(Taxed Enough Already)
What Can I Say ?
If You like What we do - Your Donations will Make it Happen !!
How To Donate:
Mail A Check:
Payable To - King William Tea Party Inc
King William Tea Party Inc.
106 Cherry Hill Circle, East
Aylett, VA 23009
Come to Our Meetings and Donate There.
How are your Donations Spent?
1. The Materials that create the Yellow signs you see around the county.
2. The ads and inserts you see and get in the local Newspapers.
3. Some of our Meetings call for space to be paid for.
Not a penny of the Donations goes to a salary for any of our volunteers and officiers.
In fact they donate their materials, time and talent without protest and all for a reward
of knowing they are among the last defenders of the freedoms we were given by our Founding Fathers.
If our Tax Dollars were spent in like manner - There would be no National Debt.