We're on guard for you and your family against fraud, waste, abuse, cronyism, incompetence and more. We look at government in King William, Richmond and D.C.
*************************************************************************************************** King William "TEA" Party
(Taxed Enough Already)
Donations What Can I Say ?
If You like What we do - Your Donations will Make it Happen !!
How To Donate:
Mail A Check:
Payable To - King William Tea Party Inc
King William Tea Party Inc.
106 Cherry Hill Circle, East
Aylett, VA 23009
Come to Our Meetings and Donate There.
How are your Donations Spent?
1. The Materials that create the Yellow signs you see around the county.
2. The ads and inserts you see and get in the local Newspapers.
3. Some of our Meetings call for space to be paid for.
Not a penny of the Donations goes to a salary for any of our volunteers and officiers.
In fact they donate their materials, time and talent without protest and all for a reward
of knowing they are among the last defenders of the freedoms we were given by our Founding Fathers.
If our Tax Dollars were spent in like manner - There would be no National Debt.
King William TEA (Taxed Enough Already) Party
***************************************************************************************************** Write Your Laws - Empowering The Citizen Legislature
Welcome to the worlds most original citizen legislative website!
Here is the one place where you can: write, comment, share, submit, advocate, lobby, and track, the legislation YOU consent to be governed by!
It all starts with my show, “Action Radio” (click here to listen to podcasts of our broadcasts)! From news stories, our special investigations, inspired ideas, or anywhere really, Action Radio is where much of our citizen legislation begins. Then it is worked on, and when ready is submitted to the appropriate legislature, from city councils to Congress.
If you have a great idea, call us! It might just end up as a bill on the President’s desk!
Thank you.
Greg Penglis
Creator, Host and CEO of Action Radio!
***************************************************************************************************** 100 Years of Medical Robbery
06/10/2004 - Dale Steinreich Our mentor has always been Hippocrates, not Adam Smith
President of a County Medical Society at an AMA meeting quoted in the February 16, 1981 issue of the New York Times.
Think the problem with Health Care just Started with Covid19 - Look what was being written in 2004.
This weekend (June 11-13, 2004), the American Medical Association (AMA) will celebrate the 100th anniversary of its Council on Medical Education. The medical establishment understandably sees the formation of the Council as a good thing. However, some patients aren't ready to celebrate yet, and their instincts may be good.
The American Medical Association (AMA) was founded in 1847 around two propositions: one, all doctors should have a "suitable education" and two, a "uniform elevated standard of requirements for the degree of M.D. should be adopted by all medical schools in the U.S."1 In the days of its founding AMA was much more open--at its conferences and in its publications--about its real goal: building a government-enforced monopoly for the purpose of dramatically increasing physician incomes. It eventually succeeded, becoming the most formidable labor union on the face of the earth.
Since AMA's creation of the Council a century ago, the U.S. population (75 million in 1900, 288 million in 2002) has increased
in size by 284%, yet the number of medical schools has declined by 26% to 123.8 9 In terms of admissions limits, the peak year for
applicants at U.S. schools was 1996 at 47,000 applications with a limit of 16,500 accepted. This works out to roughly 64% of
applications rejected. On a micro level, for the last six years the University of Alabama (hardly a beacon of prestige in the medical discipline) has averaged
about 1,498 applicants per year with an average of about 194 accepted. This is about an 87% rejection rate. The sizes of the entering classes have been of course even smaller, averaging about 161.
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To Read A A Follow Up Article dated 08/27/2004 by Dale Steinreich"
Interventionism cannot be considered as an economic system destined to stay. It is a method for the transformation of capitalism into socialism by a series of successive steps—Ludwig von Mises, "Middle of the Road Policy Leads to Socialism," April 18, 1950.
We're going to take things away from you on behalf of the common good—Hillary Rodham Clinton, June 28, 2004
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***************************************************************************************************** Michigan county commissioners obliterate woke Marxist policies, programs at very first meeting
Stephen Kokx - Fri Jan 6, 2023 - 2:56 pm EST- LifeSiteNews
(LifeSiteNews) – Newly elected lawmakers in West Michigan’s Ottawa County are going all out against woke-ism, leaving liberals, moderate Republicans, and local media in tears as they institute real reforms. Their example should be followed by conservatives across the country.
Thanks to an effective pro-family (and pro-medical freedom) message — as well as a forward-thinking campaign strategy — eight members of the recently-formed Ottawa Impact PAC won seats as county commissioners last year. That means nine out of the board’s 11 total members either belong to or are endorsed by the group.
In its victory, Ottawa Impact, which is staunchly pro-life, ousted an impressive seven RINO incumbents. The group’s slick marketing campaign included the well-produced video below.
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***************************************************************************************************** Horowitz: Reconstituting the America we once loved in red states,
part 1: Medical freedom
Daniel Horowitz - January 03, 2023 - Conservative Review
Medical freedom needs to become the new pro-life movement on the right. It quite literally affects even more human beings than abortion.
This week, all eyes in the political world will turn to Washington as the excitement builds over the transition of power in the House of Representatives. But what good is a
narrow RINO majority in just one branch of the federal government when Republicans ceded the budget leverage they otherwise would have commanded this month? Why not focus on
half the state governments where Republicans enjoy trifecta control, in most of them with supermajorities in the legislatures? Indeed, this year kicks off the most important
legislative sessions of our lifetime. The intensity of grassroots pressure placed on these equivocating Republicans will determine whether red-state America is just a pro-gun,
anti-abortion version of blue-state hell
or whether we can fully reconstitute the America we once loved in portions of the country.
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Reconstituting America
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***************************************************************************************************** Electronic Voter Registration System ERIC Is Politically Compromised
New Evidence Shows Crooked Electronic Voter Registration System ERIC Is Politically Compromised…
Now, evidence indicates ERIC is politically compromised.
Meanwhile, the clock ticks down to the 2022 election, even as the number of Michigan’s registered voters climbs dangerously—and impossibly—to 104% of its Voting Aged Population (VAP).
On Monday, MI Rep. Ann Bollin (R), Chair of House Elections & Ethics Committee, announced, “We have initiated a deeper dive on our end with our legal counsel as we prep for an oversight hearing or letter of inquiry.”
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***************************************************************************************************** Consequences of Political Activism Are No Longer Only One-Sided
The Daily Signal - Consequences of Political Activism Are No Longer Only One-Sided
Joshua Arnold / August 18, 2022
Conservative states have a warning for corporations that have “gone woke”: The consequences of political activism are no longer one-sided.
This month, West Virginia declared it would no longer do business with five Wall Street banks over the companies’ anti-coal or anti-fossil fuel policies.
Big business has really painted itself into a corner. To leftists, it has made promises it can’t keep. To conservatives, those same promises are declarations of war.
Pinched between inflation and recession, and trapped in no man’s land of a culture war they helped to inflame, mega-corporations are in an unenviable position, with no one to blame but themselves. It’s time for arrogant C-suites to remember: There’s no such thing as “Too big to Fail.”
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No Longer Only One-Sided
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***************************************************************************************************** The FBI Has Become Dangerous to Americans
The Daily Signal - Victor Davis Hanson - August 12, 2022 - Politics/Commentary
The FBI is dissolving before our eyes into a rogue security service akin to those in Eastern Europe during the Cold War.
Take the FBI’s deliberately asymmetrical application of the law. This week the bureau surprise-raided the home of former President Donald Trump—an historical first.
A massive phalanx of FBI agents swooped into the Trump residence while he was not home, to confiscate his personal property, safe, and records. All of this was over an archival dispute of presidential papers common to many former presidents. Agents swarmed the entire house, including the wardrobe closet of the former first lady.
Note we are less than 90 days out from a midterm election, and this was not just a raid, but a political act.
The Democratic Party is anticipated to suffer historical losses. Trump was on the verge of announcing his 2024 presidential candidacy. In many polls, he remains the Republican front-runner for the nomination—and well ahead of incumbent President Joe Biden in a putative 2024 rematch.
************************************************************************************************ ***Isn't losing our liberty during a pandemic enough? Does The Country really want to risk losing our Constitution too?***
Here are arguments against an Article V convention (A5C). Please let Your Elected Officials know that we could lose our Constitution at a runaway convention. Short letters with links or attachments for further research work well:
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Article V Convention
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***************************************************************************************************** 55,000 FDA-released vaccine-related documents contain glaring omission Posted by Yudi Sherman - Mar 07, 2022 - 11:36 AM
Missing is record of money FDA receives from Pfizer annually
The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) released a huge batch of documents last week related to its approval process for the COVID-19 vaccine. The documents were released under court order after Federal Judge Mark Pittman ordered the FDA in January to release 55,000 pages per month.
The batch of documents released on March 1st contain some disturbing revelations, such as the FDA and Pfizer having prior knowledge of thousands of adverse side effects resulting from the vaccine.
But one thing starkly missing from the documents is a record of the money the FDA receives from Pfizer annually.
A couple of documents note the $2,875,842 Pfizer paid the FDA as a Prescription Drug User Fee, which is standard and listed on the FDA’s website.
But we’re looking for the hundreds of millions of dollars the FDA receives from Pfizer each year and there's no record of it.
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Glaring Omission
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***************************************************************************************************** Save The Bill of Rights – The Hill to Die On
The Bull Elephant - Witten by Michael Giere February 3, 2022
It isn’t what government can do for you that matters. It’s what it can do to you.
[This article is a companion piece to last week, Truth and the Fall of the West (here)]
It is the second most important question in the human story. Do the rights of an individual come from a fixed, universal Moral Order? Or are they merely whatever a despot, dictator, congress, parliament, corporate oligarchy, or mob say they are at any given time?
Today in the Western World generally and the United States specifically, societies born from the womb of the ancient Judeo-Christian ethos find themselves naked, in an all-out war over individual freedom. It’s a battle for the crown jewels that secure that freedom, the right to worship God, and the right to freedom of speech, conscience, and peaceful assembly.r>
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***************************************************************************************************** Why The Vaccines Don't Work
American Thinker - January 20, 2022 - Why The Vaccines Don't Work - By James Stansbury
A recent article introduced the term "negative efficacy" regarding COVID vaccines and implied that this reaction explains
why more vaccinated than unvaccinated people are getting sick with COVID.
It [negative efficacy] doesn't mean the protection wears off (like we were told). It means the OPPOSITE of what you were told: it means the vaccines helps the virus to infect you (by suppressing your immune system, probably permanently each time we are injected according to Dr. Ryan Cole).
In short, we've been lied to about the vaccine. It is protecting you less and less over time. While you may get a benefit for earlier variants, the benefit for other variants (and likely other diseases) is going to be negative. In short, you are getting a short term benefit against Delta, but at the expense of a degradation of your overall immunity to everything else.
Sweden is there because of its notoriously minimal lockdowns followed by praise for its success in achieving natural herd immunity well before any other Western country. India was added because it alone appears to have tamed COVID from day one by using common, inexpensive therapeutics in its early outpatient protocols (notably hydroxychloroquine and ivermectin) and much less reliance on vaccines. Except for one surge in hospitalizations and deaths due to the emergence of the delta variant, India has experienced far fewer total deaths relative to its population.
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Don't Work
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January 13, 2022 - Booster Bust: Medical Establishment Changes Its Mind - By Vasko Kohlmayer
There is a tectonic shift underway in the medico-scientific establishment: they are starting to walk back boosters.
The first indication of this dramatic change of attitude came from the United Kingdom last week.
On January 7, Reuters ran a wire titled UK Says 4th COVID Jabs Not Needed for Now As Booster Effect Lasts. That piece featured the following sentence in its opening paragraph: “there is no need for now for people to have a fourth shot, British health officials said on Friday.”
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"Negative Efficacy"
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***************************************************************************************************** One Vote Short in Stopping CMS Vax Mandate
As AAPS predicted last Friday, the Supreme Court just blocked the Biden employer vaccine mandate (by a vote of 6-3), while allowing the Centers for
Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) vaccine mandate to be enforced by a vote of 5-4.m
AAPS - Association of American Physicians and Surgeons - Jan 13, 2022
The joint decisions make no mention anywhere of the VAERS data of a million adverse effects reported after receiving the Covid vaccine, despite how our general counsel emphasized that in our amicus brief. Nor is there any mention of how the vaccine is reportedly ineffective against reducing infections from the Omicron variant, as published in the Wall Street Journal earlier this week.
There were four strong dissenters against the CMS vaccine mandate. Our side was merely one vote short of a majority. Chief Justice Roberts and Justice Kavanaugh joined the Left side of the Court to enable its 5-4 margin.
We are analyzing the decisions now to consider future actions. This reinforces the desirability of getting out of Medicare facilities if you can or, if desired, seeking an vaccine exemption as allowed by the CMS mandate.
************************************************************************************************ *** Dr. Rand Paul Releases 2021 ‘Festivus’ Report on Government Waste***
Recently, I released my 2021 “Festivus” Report, totaling over $52,598,515,585 billion in government waste.
This marks the seventh edition of my Festivus Report as I continue working to alert the American people to how their federal government uses their hard-earned money.
Sections of the report are broken down into COVID-19 spending, Afghanistan, and Miscellaneous.
Some of the most outrageous highlights are below.
To Read These most outrageous highlights in the PDF"
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Most Outrageous Highlights
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http://www.kwteaparty.com/PDF/1 11 22 Festivus Report 2021_0 - Copy.pdf.pdf
***************************************************************************************************** Videos Shed Light on Death of Rosanne Boyland at US Capitol on Jan. 6
Georgia Trump supporter, 34, was trampled, struck by police as she lay dying
The Epoch Times - By Joseph M. Hanneman - January 7, 2022 - Updated: January 7, 2022
Congressman Louie Gohmert (R-Texas) questioned Attorney General Merrick Garland about Boyland’s death at an October hearing on Capitol Hill. “Was a determination ever made as to who repeatedly struck Rosanne Boyland in the head with a rod before she died?” Gohmert asked.
“Again, I think this was a matter that was investigated by the U.S. Attorney’s office,” Garland said.
Cave said she wants to know why the police officer who beat her sister isn’t under investigation. “Why in this case is this policewoman not being held accountable? Why is nobody investigating her?” Cave said. “Why isn’t anybody talking about it? It’s mind boggling.”
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***************************************************************************************************** "American Oligarchy".
by Josh Hammer in a short but concise article Mr. Hammer lays out precisely a brilliant summary of what has transpired the last 5 years in American politics, and does a fabulous job at pinpointing what we have today in front of us.
To observe that the Left and its cheerleading media have treated the one-year anniversary of the January 6, 2021, U.S. Capitol riot as a solemn occasion would be to understate the point. For the Left, the (actually) mostly peaceful demonstrations of that day, which for a small percentage of demonstrators did entail illegal trespassing of the Capitol, represented a watershed moment in the history of our "democracy." January 6 was the day, the narrative goes, where "deplorable" Trumpians attempted to effectuate an "insurrection" and a "coup," seeking to "overturn" the results of the perfect and pristine 2020 presidential election.
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***************************************************************************************************** 2021: The Year of the Ruling Class' Crackdown on Dissent | Opinion
Newsweek - Ben Weingarten , Fellow, Claremont Institute On 1/3/22 at 6:30 AM EST
The year 2020 was the year of the lockdown, when the Ruling Class arbitrarily, capriciously and selectively suspended the natural rights bedrock upon which American life—indeed, life itself—relies.
The year 2021 closes as the year of the crackdown, when the Ruling Class weaponized its powers to crush dissenters from its Wokeist-Scientist orthodoxy in arguably the most far-reaching, brazen and lawless assault on Americans by the state and its private-sector adjuncts in our nation's history.
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Dissent | Opinion
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***************************************************************************************************** Claim Alleging Injury or Death From a COVID-19 Countermeasure to Be Compensated
More than 4,000 other claims await decision by the U.S. government compensation program The Epoch Times - By Meiling Lee - December 18, 2021 Updated: December 19, 2021
For the first time amid the pandemic, the U.S. government compensation program will pay out one of the 4,751 claims alleging injuries or death arising from the administration of a covered countermeasure used to diagnose, treat, or prevent COVID-19.
Countermeasures may include emergency authorized or federally approved vaccines, drugs, and medical devices that the Food and Drug Administration allows for use during a public health emergency.
“One COVID-19 claim has been determined eligible for compensation and is pending a review of eligible expenses,” the Countermeasures Injury Compensation Program (CICP) reported.
A total of 5,242 claims have been filed with the CICP from 2010 to Nov. 1, 2021, of which 4,751 claims are related to injuries or death from COVID-19 countermeasures, specifically 2,297 claims are for COVID-19 vaccines and 2,454 for other countermeasures.
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***************************************************************************************************** We rated every member of Congress on their financial conflicts and transparency.
Insider’s "Conflicted Congress" project reveals the depths of lawmakers’ conflicts-of-interest, potential self-dealing,
and disregard for a decade-old law designed to prevent corruption at the highest levels of American government.
Dozens of federal lawmakers and at least 182 top congressional staffers are violating a federal conflict-of-interest law known as the STOCK Act. Others are failing to avoid clashes between their personal finances and public duties.
Members get a green rating if their financial compliance is solid. Yellow means caution — their actions are borderline and deserve greater scrutiny. Red means danger — that a member has multiple issues that could expose them to ethical problems.
The 14 members of Congress rated as danger
These lawmakers have violated the Stop Trading on Congressional Knowledge Act of 2012 by failing to properly disclose financial trades, many to a significant degree. Some also employ senior staff members who've violated the STOCK Act or haven't themselves taken proactive steps to avoid potential conflicts of interest.
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***************************************************************************************************** DeSantis Proposes $8 Million in Budget to Relocate Illegal Immigrants to Delaware, Martha’s Vineyard
The Epoch Times - By Allen Zhong - December 11, 2021 Updated: December 11, 2021
Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis set $8 million in his 2022–23 budget to transport illegal immigrants out of The Sunshine State.
He proposed the spending in the Freedom First Budget (pdf) to protect against harms resulting from illegal immigration. The spending may include the transportation of unauthorized aliens located within Florida to other states or the District of Columbia.
“In yesterday’s budget, I put in $8 million for us to be able to transport people illegally [in the United States] out of the state of Florida,” he said during a press conference on Friday.
The Republican governor listed Delaware, President Joe Biden’s hometown state, and Martha’s Vineyard, where former President Barack Obama owns a mansion, as potential destinations to relocate the illegal immigrants.
“If you sent [illegal immigrants] to Delaware or Martha’s Vineyard or some of these places, that border would be secure the next day,” he said.
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***************************************************************************************************** Smash n Grab Ominous Sign of Social Unrest To Come
Bob Shannon - King William T.E.A Party (Taxed Enough Already) - Dec 3, 2021 - Commentary
At some point retailers will hunker down and exert serious pressure on legislators and law enforcement to do something about the clear lawlessness that is now becoming a daily occurrence across the nation. From the easy cash they can raise (considering about 10 minutes or less of work) aided and abetted by the no cash bail and immediate release from jail when they are caught, this phenomenon is wetting the appetite of a brazen new breed of young criminals that see no downside to their behavior.
Social conditioning , learning as they have grown up that this type of behavior was first tolerated in their homes, (often with no strong male figure of authority present) further emboldened by a public school policy that increasingly hinders any punishment for misconduct (under the allegation that the punishment if racially slanted) and a society that has people who will purchase their ill-gotten gains of the theft's, because it is a real deal to buy goods at such a discount, these criminals see no reason to stop this conduct.
The question I pose is this. When retailers figure out how to curtail this (and they will eventually) what happens then? These thugs going to go out and get a job? I don't think so, they will simply choose another target. I suspect with the behavior having been so profitable for them they will turn their attention to private residences to keep the easy money flowing. As they say a leopard doesn't change its spots because you corral or cage it---it is still a leopard.
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Political Elites
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***************************************************************************************************** Losing Confidence in the Pillars of Our Civilization
The Epoch Times - Victor Davis Hanson - November 24, 2021 Updated: November 24, 2021 - Commentary
Millions of citizens long ago concluded that professional sports, academia, and entertainment were no longer disinterested institutions, but far Left and deliberately hostile to Middle America.
Yet American conservatives still adamantly supported the nation’s traditional investigatory, intelligence, and military agencies—especially when they came under budgetary or cultural attacks.
Not so much anymore.
For the first time in memory, conservatives now connect the FBI hierarchy with bureaucratic bloat, political bias, and even illegality.
In the last five years, the FBI was mostly in the news for the checkered careers of James Comey, Andrew McCabe, Robert Mueller, Lisa Page, and Peter Strzok. Add in the criminality of convicted FBI lawyer Kevin Clinesmith.
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***************************************************************************************************** The Political Elites Rarely Have To Live With The Consequences Of Bad Decisions
Bob Shannon - November 24, 2021 - Commentary
Turn on any news program and we are bombarded with one outrage after another. From threats pending the outcome of jury trials ( we are gonna riot ) to example after example of lawlessness it is becoming crystal clear..........the adults in the room need to restore order if we are to have any semblance of normalcy in everyday American life. Americans with a modicum of common sense are running out of patience with our inept, incompetent and cowardly elected officials. Stuff your "surveys" Congressman Wittman, responsible citizens do not want or need your blatant pandering surveys, posing as attempts to make it look like you are doing something.......besides wasting tax payer money .
The very elected officials calling for eliminating cash bail, closing the prisons, and restoring the voting rights of often violent felons live behind walls in gated communities or have tax payer funded body guards. They do not have to deal first hand with the danger an innocent experiences.
How can the symbolic tradition of simply attending a parade , only to be killed by a maniac who never should have been roaming freely among law abiding citizens be acceptable ?
The rioting and looting ( looting now being described as a racist word ) , thousands gunned down in cities across the nation ( 500 murders so far this year in Philadelphia alone ) Chicago , a once proud city has become a literal shooting gallery now every weekend. Feigned outrage over someone killed by police, while an almost sickening silence with the death of an eight year old boy who hasn't had a chance to start his young promising life.
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Political Elites
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***************************************************************************************************** Hospitalisation among vaccine breakthrough COVID-19 infections The Lancet - Volume 21, ISSUE 11, P1485-1486, November 01, 2021
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Vaccine Breakthrough
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************************************************************************************************ Rand Paul Vs. Dr. Fauci: Their Four Most Recent Senate Hearing Clashes
Nov 4, 2021 - Today was not the first time Sen. Rand Paul (R-KY) and Dr. Anthony Fauci clashed in a Senate hearing.
(Hear Science vs Medical best Guess)
Click the Link to see the 30 Minute Video: Rand Paul Vs. Dr. Fauci
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***************************************************************************************************** Rep. Murphy: FDA Adviser’s Remark on COVID-19 Jab for Kids ‘The Most Dangerous Statement I’ve Ever Heard in Medicine’
The Epoch Times - Zachary Stieber - October 30, 2021 Updated: October 31, 2021
A remark made by a Food and Drug Administration (FDA) adviser is “the most dangerous statement I’ve ever heard in medicine,” the only active practicing physician in Congress said in a new interview.
Dr. Eric Rubin, editor-in-chief of the New England Journal of Medicine, and an associate physician specializing in infectious disease at Brigham and Women’s Hospital, sits on the administration’s vaccine advisory panel.
Before the panel voted this week to advise the FDA to authorize Pfizer’s COVID-19 jab for kids 5 to 11, Rubin said, in part: “We’re never going to learn about how safe this vaccine is unless we start giving it. That’s just the way it goes. That’s how we found out about rare complications of other vaccines, like the rotavirus vaccine.”
“That is literally the most dangerous statement I’ve ever heard in medicine,” Rep. Greg Murphy (R-N.C.), a doctor, said on NTD’s “Capitol Report.”
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Most Dangerous Statement
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***************************************************************************************************** Vaccinated People Easily Transmit COVID-19 Delta Variant in Households: UK Study
The Epoch Times - Jack Phillips - October 28, 2021 Updated: October 29, 2021
A year-long study from the Imperial College London published in The Lancet on Thursday found that the Delta variant is still highly transmissible within a vaccinated population.
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***************************************************************************************************** Tennessee Legislature Must Pass Big COVID Test in ‘Special Session’
The Epoch Times - Roger L. Simon - October 25, 2021 Updated: October 27, 2021
The red state/blue state dichotomy is not simple.
Nowhere is that more apparent than Tennessee where—despite having one of the most conservative electorates in the country—the leadership has been passive at best in responding to the wishes of their supporters during these days of great crisis.
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***************************************************************************************************** EXPLOSIVE VIDEO Emerges of Fauci and HHS Officials Plotting for
‘A New Avian Flu Virus’ to Enforce Universal Flu Vaccination - mRNA Vaccine (VIDEO)
By Jim Hoft - Published October 6, 2021 at 8:15am
Alex Jones of Infowars made a special broadcast on Monday night regarding an explosive video of Fauci with HHS officials and other health experts discussing how to enforce Universal Flu Vaccination in a summit organized by Milken Institute in Washington, DC last October 2019.
In the below video link, they conceptualized having a new outbreak of novel avian flu virus from China so they can bypass the method of FDA approval and enforce mRNA vaccine to the masses.
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Universal Flu Vaccination
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***************************************************************************************************** Data shows Increase of Vaccinated People among Hospitalized Marylanders
WBAL TV Ch 11 News at 6:00 PM
BALTIMORE — While state data shows the vast majority of Marylanders currently hospitalized with COVID-19 are either unvaccinated or partially vaccinated, the percentage of people fully vaccinated is ticking upward.
Infections, illness and hospitalizations are increasing rapidly among fully vaccinated people, according to data from the Maryland Department of Health and new research.
Some experts said it's time to reframe thinking that the vaccine likely won't prevent you from ever getting sick.
Health experts said this is the reality of the outbreak this September. While it remains rare for somebody who's fully vaccinated to die from COVID-19, it is no longer rare for the fully vaccinated to get sick -- and sick enough to be hospitalized.
Over the past three months in Anne Arundel County, about 30% of the people hospitalized with COVID-19 are fully vaccinated.
There's a similar timeframe and trend in neighboring Howard County, where health officials said roughly 30% to 40% of people hospitalized with COVID-19 are fully vaccinated.
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***************************************************************************************************** Sidney Powell’s Group Files Lawsuit Against Pentagon Over Vaccine Mandate
/The Epoch Times - BY JACK PHILLIPS October 10, 2021 Updated: October 10, 2021
Defending the Republic, in a news release, said it filed the lawsuit on behalf of 16 active duty service members in a bid to strike down the “unconstitutional and unlawful” mandate. The legal complaint also names Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin, III, Health and Human Services Secretary Xavier Becerra, and Food and Drug Administration Acting Commissioner Janet Woodcock as defendants.
The plaintiffs include “those with natural immunity to COVID-19, women who wish to become pregnant, or who have medical conditions for which no clinical trial data is available, face severe punishment, including dishonorable discharge, the loss of their constitutional rights, and potential imprisonment” if they do not get the vaccines, Defending the Republic said. Powell’s name wasn’t listed in the court filings.
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***************************************************************************************************** India’s most populous state, Uttar Pradesh with nearly two hundred million people, declared COVID-free zone since government promoted ivermectin - Mordechai Sones
posted by Mordechai Sones - October 5, 2021 Vaccines and Treatments
“In Bangladesh, Ivermectin costs $1.80 for an entire 5-day course. Remdesivir, which is toxic to the liver, costs $3,120 for a 5-day course of the drug. Billions of dollars of utterly useless Remdesivir were sold to our governments on the taxpayer’s dime, and it ended up being totally useless for treating hyperinflammatory COVID-19.”
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Formal Complaint filed by the Secretary General of Human Rights Security Council
03 July 2021 - Formal Complaint filed by the Secretary General of Human Rights Security Council (HRSC) against Dr.
Soumya Swaminathan (Chief Scientist WHO) and others for their conspiracy and serious offences committed against
humanity in COVID-19 pandemi
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***************************************************************************************************** The Spartacus letter (Part 1 and Part 2) - written by Dr. Robert Warren September 30, 2021 Vaccines and Treatments
In Part 1 of my breakdown of the Spartacus Letter, I posted verbatim the description of what COVID 19 actually is. The authors of the Letter make the case that COVID 19 is a blood disease, not a lung disease, and that pneumonia is a secondary issue. The authors also make the case that COVID 19 can present itself in many different ways in many different parts of the body.
In Part 2 it is my breakdown of the Spartacus Letter, I will post relevant sections of the Letter that deal with concerns over vaccinations and treatments. To me, the bottom line is if you are symptomatic in any strange way, get tested immediately. Time is not your friend and hospitalization is all too often deadly. Delay can leave patients with long term physical problems.
"India went against the instructions of the WHO and mandated the prophylactic usage of Ivermectin. They have almost completely eradicated COVID-19. The Indian Bar Association of Mumbai has brought criminal charges against WHO Chief Scientist Dr. Soumya Swaminathan for recommending against the use of Ivermectin.”
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***************************************************************************************************** Highly Vaccinated Israel Is Seeing A Dramatic Surge In New COVID Cases. Here's Why
August 20, 2021 11:01 AM ET - Heard on All Things Considered - Daniel Estrin
The bad news, doctors say, is that half of Israel's seriously ill patients who are currently hospitalized were fully vaccinated at least five months ago. Most of them are over 60 years old and have comorbidities. The seriously ill patients who are unvaccinated are mostly young, healthy people whose condition deteriorated quickly.
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***************************************************************************************************** Republican Lawmakers Question Attacks on Ivermectin as COVID-19 Treatment
The Epoch Times - By Emel Akan September 28, 2021 Updated: September 29, 2021
WASHINGTON–A group of Republican lawmakers threw their support behind doctors who advocate for the right to use ivermectin, an inexpensive antiparasitic drug, for treating COVID-19.
Ivermectin is the latest drug caught in controversy after demand surged dramatically in August. Physician and pharmacist groups, including the American Medical Association “strongly oppose” the prescribing of ivermectin to treat COVID-19 patients. Federal health agencies also issued warnings recently to prevent the use of the drug, stating that “adverse effects associated with ivermectin misuse and overdose are increasing.”
Critical care physician Pierre Kory, however, describes correctly administered ivermectin as “a gift” in the fight against COVID-19.
“I know ivermectin works. I’ve been using it to treat patients for 10 months now,” Kory told The Epoch Times.
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***************************************************************************************************** Thousands of NY Health Care Workers Placed on Unpaid Leave, Face Firing Over Vaccine Mandate
/The Epoch Times -By Petr Svab September 28, 2021 Updated: September 28, 2021
Thousands of nurses and other health care workers across New York state have lost their jobs or been suspended because they are refusing to comply with the state’s mandate to get vaccinated against COVID-19.
Going into effect on Sept. 27, the mandate has led to staffing shortages, although some of the large hospital systems in the state have said they are maintaining continuity of services.
As of Sept. 27, 92 percent of hospital employees in the state have received at least one dose of the vaccine, based on “preliminary self-reported data,” the office of New York Gov. Kathy Hochul said in a statement. That would leave tens of thousands of hospital workers slated for termination, though some health care providers indicated that they are giving their employees some time to still get vaccinated and return to work.
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************************************************************************************************ J6 Rally Richmond Virginia LIVE Listen How Political Prisoners are being Treated in our Beloved USA - pdf
Thanx to the folks at https://lookaheadamerica.org/ who are working tirelessly to expose the illegal and unconstitutional persecution of targeted participants at the Jan 6 Rally in DC.
Here's a short video that was live streamed at today's rally in Richmond, one of many being held in State capitols across America -- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VlvFSXqt3k4
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***************************************************************************************************** The Death of Science
The Epoch Times - Victor Davis Hanson September 16, 2021 - Updated: September 18, 2021
The scientific method used to govern much of popular American thinking.
In empirical fashion, scientists advised us to examine evidence and data, and then by induction come to rational hypotheses. The enemies of “science” were politics, superstition, bias, and deduction.
Yet we are now returning to our version of medieval alchemy and astrology in rejecting a millennium of the scientific method.
Take the superstitions that now surround COVID-19.
We now know from data that a prior case of COVID-19 offers immunity as robust as vaccination. Why, then, are Joe Biden’s proposed vaccination mandates ignoring that scientific fact? Dr. Anthony Fauci, when asked, seemed at a loss for words.
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***************************************************************************************************** 19 Governors, 2 AGs Resist Biden’s Vaccine Mandates
/The Epoch Times - By Mimi Nguyen Ly September 10, 2021 Updated: September 10, 2021
More than a dozen governors and two attorneys general late on Sept. 9 issued statements defying the Biden administration’s impending vaccine mandates for federal workers and private-sector workers.
President Joe Biden earlier in the day signed an executive order to require all federal workers to be vaccinated against COVID-19, the disease caused by the CCP (Chinese Communist Party) virus. There would be no option to opt out via COVID-19 testing. The mandate also applies to government contractors and their employees.
The president later announced he would direct the Department of Labor to create a rule to have companies with over 100 employees mandate vaccinations or weekly testing, a move that affects more than 80 million workers in the private sector.
At least 19 governors and two attorneys general immediately issued statements disagreeing with the administration’s move, with several vowing to defy it.
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***************************************************************************************************** Florida to Start Fining Businesses $5,000 for Violations of Vaccine Passport Ban
/The Epoch Times - By Tom Ozimek September 3, 2021 Updated: September 3, 2021
The Florida Department of Health has issued a notice indicating it will start issuing $5,000 fines to businesses, schools, and government agencies that require Floridians to show proof of COVID-19 vaccination.
The health department rule, which goes into effect on Sept. 16, details the penalties that businesses and other entities, including nonprofits, face for violating section 381.00316 of the 2021 Florida Statutes, which prohibits them from requiring customers or patrons to provide any documentation certifying COVID-19 vaccination or postinfection recovery in order to gain access to their premises or services.
“Each violation of Section 381.00316, F.S., will result in the imposition of a $5,000 fine per individual and separate violation against the business, governmental entity or the educational institution. Fines imposed are due and payable to the Department within 30 days of entry of the final order unless otherwise stated in the final order,” reads the Florida Department of Health notice.
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***************************************************************************************************** Governments Must Pay $800,000 in Legal Fees to Church for COVID-19 Overreach
/The Epoch Times - By Matthew Vadum September 2, 2021 Updated: September 2, 2021
California officials have agreed to pay $800,000 in prevailing-party attorneys’ fees to a popular Christian megachurch in Los Angeles after state and federal courts in California issued permanent injunctions barring government officials there from ever again imposing discriminatory restrictions on houses of worship..
The Thomas More Society, a national public interest law firm, represented Grace Community Church (GCC) and Pastor John MacArthur in legal proceedings that began in March 2020 when California and local governments initiated a sweeping response to combat SARS-CoV-2, the CCP virus that causes the disease COVID-19. Government officials repeatedly tried to shut down in-person church attendance after the pandemic began.
Thomas More Society special counsel Charles LiMandri said in a statement: “This was a very hard-fought case every step of the way. Pastor MacArthur and Grace Community Church refused to bow to government tyranny and they finally obtained the excellent result they deserved. Thanks to their courage and perseverance, justice prevailed and the First Amendment was vindicated. No longer can the County of Los Angeles and the State of California treat people of faith like second class citizens. This result is a victory for all Americans who cherish religious liberty.”
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************************************************************************************************ Senator Paul at Committee Hearing on "Early Outpatient Treatment: An Essential Part of a COVID-19 Solution"
The most impressive thing about this video is that its still up on youtube
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"LOS ANGELES, CA – America’s Frontline Doctors released the following statement in response to inaccurate and slanderous reporting by both Time Magazine and NBC News.
When Covid-19 hit in March 2020, the formal recommendation from the United States government was to lock down and only come to the hospital if you could not breathe. Never before in the history of our nation has this been medical advice. Over the past 18 months, the government has contended that there is nothing that can be done other than masking to protect individuals from COVID-19. The human cost of that reckless and unscientific prescription has been massive. This has been attested to by thousands of doctors worldwide including several testifying before Congress.
A small number of courageous physicians in the US and around the world put their lives, their fortunes, and their sacred honor on the line, and started treating Covid patients early to prevent hospitalization, mechanical ventilation, and death. These intrepid doctors, including Dr. Vladimir Zelenko in upstate New York, Dr. Brian Tyson in California, and Dr. Didier Raoult in Marseilles, France, achieved extremely impressive clinical results, using various combinations of hydroxycholoroquine, ivermectin, zinc, vitamins and antibiotics.
AFLDS was formed in response to the unprecedented media censorship of early outpatient treatment of Covid-19 with cheap, easily available drugs. We responded to the enormous humanitarian need by aggressively working to make hydroxychloroquine over the counter, just as it is in many other countries. A Citizen’s Petition was filed with the FDA on October 12, 2020 and was ignored, and thus AFLDS worked to establish relationships with telemedicine companies to enable physicians to see patients virtually. Several other organizations stepped into this void as well and together with qualified physicians appropriately prescribing these proven, safe and effective medications, have saved millions of lives.
Globally it is well known that early treatment works but this truth continues to be frantically suppressed by the dishonest American media. In India the scientist who withheld this cheap, safe medicine from her people is now facing the death penalty. In Japan the Tokyo Medical Association urged all doctors to prescribe ivermectin. In China Chloroquine has been recommended since March 2020. In America the mainstream media failed to report >300 studies showing early treatment works, including the American Journal of Medicine and the American Journal of Therapeutics and the treatment algorithm posted by Association of American Physicians and Surgeons. The Wall Street Journal did attempt to shame the FDA for trying to block people’s access to the Nobel Prize winning drug.
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***************************************************************************************************** If the US Leaves Citizens and Allies in Afghanistan, Biden Deserves to Be Impeached: Sen. Lindsey Graham
BY MASOOMA HAQ August 20, 2021 Updated: August 20, 2021
The former Chairman of the Senate Judiciary Committee Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-S.C.) on Friday said if President Joe Biden leaves U.S. citizens and allies in Afghanistan, based on the Constitution, he deserves to be impeached.
“We’re duty-bound to get every American citizen out. We’re honor-bound to get those Afghans who fought along our side out,” said Graham during a Friday interview with Fox News, adding, “And here’s what I would say. If we leave any Americans behind, if we leave thousands of those Afghans who fought along our side behind, bravely, Joe Biden deserves to be impeached for a higher crime and misdemeanor, of dereliction of duty.”
Meanwhile, Biden told reporters on Friday that he will evacuate every U.S. citizen who wants to leave the country.
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***************************************************************************************************** 15 Monoclonal Antibody Sites to Be Operational in Florida by Weekend
BY JANNIS FALKENSTERN August 20, 2021 Updated: August 20, 2021
PUNTA GORDA, Fla.—Florida Governor Ron DeSantis is racing through the state to facilitate the opening of monoclonal antibody sites. It is estimated that a total of 15 centers will be open in Florida by Saturday with more scheduled to open next week.
Florida State Senator Wilton Simpson was with the governor and his staff at a press conference on Thursday afternoon in Pasco County where another site had just been set up and awaiting patients. Simpson said he had contracted COVID-19 in December and knew that the monoclonal antibodies treatment was available. However, at the time he received the treatment, it was by doctor’s referral only.
“I can tell you that the treatment works,” Simpson said. “I was feeling better within 48 hours of the treatment.”
Florida Governor Ron DeSantis told reporters on Thursday that there is currently a standing order in Florida signed by the State Surgeon General, Dr. Scott A. Rivkees that allows patients to receive the treatment without a prescription or referral if administered by an eligible health care provider.
Monoclonal antibodies treatment (MAB) can prevent hospitalization or death in high-risk patients with COVID-19 and are widely available in Florida according to the Florida Department of Health website. Anyone who is 12 years and older, and are at high risk for severe illness due to COVID-19, are eligible for this treatment. Treatment is free and vaccination status does not matter.
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*********************************************************************************************** Gloucester VA Political Leadership School
– How YOU can become effective in politics and make the politicians do what YOU want
STARTS ON Saturday, October 23rd, 2021 - 9:00 AM
Are you respected by politicians?
Unless you are politically feared, you will not be politically respected.
Learn WHY this works…. Learn HOW YOU can be feared AND respected by politicians in the fight for liberty.
This is practical, no-nonsense training built around cutting-edge political strategies and tactics.
If you are tired of crony-capitalism, corporate handouts and politicians only looking out for their next re-election, this class might be for you.
If you are ready to DO something to take back power from the politicians and elites for “We The People,” you NEED to attend this class on Saturday, October 23rd, 2021 in Gloucester, VA.
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************************************************************************************************ RAIR Foundation USA
RAIR Foundation USA is a grassroots, activist and investigative organization comprised of everyday Americans leading a movement to reclaim our Republic from the network of individuals and organizations waging war on Americans, our constitution, our borders and our Judeo-Christian values.
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*********************************** Example:
Bombshell: Nobel Prize Winner Reveals - Covid Vaccine is 'Creating Variants'
Prof. Luc Montagnier said that epidemiologists know but are “silent” about the phenomenon, known as “Antibody-Dependent Enhancement” (ADE).
Prof. Montagnier referred to the vaccine program for the coronavirus as an “unacceptable mistake”. Mass vaccinations are a “scientific error as well as a medical error,” he said. “It is an unacceptable mistake. The history books will show that, because it is the vaccination that is creating the variants,” Prof. Luc Montagnier continued.
The prominent virologist explained that “there are antibodies, created by the vaccine,” forcing the virus to “find another solution” or die. This is where the variants are created. It is the variants that “are a production and result from the vaccination.”
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************************************************************************************************ Dr. Dan Stock: 5 Fast Facts You Need to Know
Dr. Daniel “Dan” Stock is a physician who has gone viral after speaking about COVID-19 during a Mt. Vernon school board meeting in Indiana on August 6, 2021. His viewpoints on the pandemic have divided people on social media, causing debate and discussion.
Here’s what you need to know:
1. He Disagreed with COVID-19 Measures During a School Board Meeting
During a Mt. Vernon school board meeting, Stock spoke about why he disagreed with measures to combat COVID-19, including mask mandates and vaccinations, WTHR reported. A six-minute clip of his speech is circulating on YouTube. (Removed From YouTube)
He identified himself as a functional family medicine physician who is “specially trained in immunology and inflammation regulation” and is from north McCordsville, Indiana. (See the third section below in this article for an epidemiologist’s response to Stock’s claims in his speech.)
Stock claimed that everything being recommended by the CDC and the state board of health were “contrary to all the rules of science.” He said the virus is “spread by aerosol particles which are small enough to go through every mask,” which he said was supported by three studies sponsored by the NIH.
“Because they (respiratory viruses) cannot be filtered out and they have animal reservoirs…no one can make this virus go away,” he said. Stock added in his speech that he believed this was different from smallpox, which does not have animal reservoirs.
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************************************************************************************************ Harvard Epidemiologist Martin Kulldorff on Vaccine Passports, the Delta Variant, and the COVID ‘Public Health Fiasco’
“Those who are pushing these vaccine mandates and vaccine passports … they’re doing so much more damage to vaccine confidence than anybody else,” says Dr. Martin Kulldorff, one of the world’s leading epidemiologists.
In this episode, we sit down with Dr. Kulldorff for a deep dive on COVID-19 immunity, vaccines, the Delta variant, and why he believes the global COVID response has been the “biggest public health fiasco in history.”
Dr. Martin Kulldorff is a professor of medicine at Harvard Medical School and a biostatistician and epidemiologist at the Brigham and Women’s Hospital. He helped develop the CDC’s current system for monitoring potential vaccine risks, and he is also one of the co-authors of the Great Barrington Declaration, which argued for “focused protection” of the most vulnerable, instead of lockdowns.
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***************************************************************************************************** COVID-19 Survivors Have Broad, Longer-Term Immunity
By Rajee Suri -
August 7, 2021 Updated: August 7, 2021
People who have recovered from COVID-19 retain broad and effective longer-term immunity to the disease, according to a new study.
Findings of the study, which is the most comprehensive of its kind so far, have implications for expanding understanding about human immune memory as well as future vaccine development for coronaviruses.
For the longitudinal study in Cell Reports Medicine, researchers looked at 254 patients with mostly mild to moderate symptoms of SARS-CoV-2 infection over a period of more than eight months (250 days) and found that their immune response to the virus remained durable and strong.
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***************************************************************************************************** 74 Percent of COVID-19 Cases From Massachusetts Outbreak Occurred in Fully Vaccinated People: Study
By Zachary Stieber
The Epoch Times - July 30, 2021 Updated: July 30, 2021
A COVID-19 outbreak in a Massachusetts county in July primarily occurred among vaccinated people, sparking fears that a variant of the CCP virus can impact that population more than other strains.
Of the 469 cases detected in Barnstable County, 74 percent occurred among the fully vaccinated, according to a new study published on Friday.
Genomic sequencing of 133 patients showed most of them were infected with the Delta variant of the CCP (Chinese Communist Party) virus.
The bulk of the infected people did not require hospital care, but among the five that did, four were fully vaccinated.
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***************************************************************************************************** Horowitz: Idaho GOP leaders refuse to convene a special session to fight experimental vaccine tyranny
Daniel Horowitz July 20, 2021 - Blaze News
GOP leaders in the legislature have thus far rebuffed an effort by conservatives to convene an emergency special session to prevent employers from mandating the experimental injections on employees, a gross violation of the Nuremberg Code. "The basic principle, that I think is a pretty strong principle within the Republican Party, is less government interference is the best and so when you decide you're going to go in and tell the private sector to do something it better be for a very good, very good reason," said Idaho Senate President Chuck Winder in rebuffing a special session.
This comes after the state's two largest health systems, Saint Alphonsus and St. Luke's, announced that every employee must be vaccinated, spawning a backlash of protesters at the state capitol last week. Lt. Gov. Janice McGeachin, who is also running for governor against Brad Little, is publicly calling on the legislature to hold a special session dealing with vaccine coercion and informed consent.
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Vol. 70 July 30, 2021 U.S. Department of Health and Human Services Centers for Disease Control and Prevention Outbreak of SARS-CoV-2 Infections, Including COVID-19 Vaccine Breakthrough Infections, Associated with Large Public Gatherings — Barnstable County, Massachusetts, July 2021
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***************************************************************************************************** YouTube Censors North Carolina County Government Meeting
By Matt McGregor
The Epoch Times - July 14, 2021 Updated: July 14, 2021
A county board of commissioners in North Carolina is pushing back against tech giant Google after YouTube, owned by Google, deleted one of the board’s videos for allegedly violating YouTubes terms and conditions regarding medical misinformation.
After its June 16 meeting, the Henderson County Board of Commissioners video upload on YouTube was taken down, prompting commissioners to call an emergency meeting on Friday, June 18.
During the emergency meeting, the board directed staff to seek out other platforms on which the board’s meetings can be posted, as well as to find alternatives to Google products.
Henderson County’s budget includes about $400,000 for Google Chromebooks for the county’s public school system.
Though the Chromebooks have already been budgeted for fiscal year 2021, Lapsley said an equivalent to the Chromebooks that aren’t manufactured by Google will be considered for fiscal year 2022.
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***************************************************************************************************** Nonprofit Sues HHS to Immediately Stop Emergency Use Authorization of COVID-19 Vaccines
By Li Hai
July 22, 2021 Updated: July 22, 2021
Lawsuit citing whistleblower's claim that the true deaths following vaccination are much higher than reported
America’s Frontline Doctors, a nonprofit, filed a motion on July 19 seeking immediate injunctive relief to stop the emergency use authorization (EUA) of COVID-19 vaccines for three groups of Americans: anyone under the age of 18, anyone who has recovered from COVID-19, and those who haven’t given informed consent as defined by federal law.
The motion was filed against Xavier Becerra, Secretary of the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS), and other defendants in a federal district court in the Northern District of Alabama.
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***************************************************************************************************** Nurse Blows the Whistle on the Medical Industry: ‘They’re Not Offering Informed Consent’
By Jessica Marie Baumgartner
July 9, 2021 Updated: July 9, 2021
Last week, America’s Frontline Doctors (AFLDS) came to speak in Kansas City, Missouri. AFLDS founder Dr. Simone Gold brought her message that COVID-19 is nothing to fear and that there are treatments available. At the start of the pandemic, she was fired after speaking out in support of anti-malaria medication hydroxychloroquine (HCQ).
At the time, President Donald Trump was praising the effectiveness of the drug, but shortly after, the FDA revoked emergency use authorization for it. Now, recent studies are confirming that “Low-dose hydroxychloroquine combined with zinc and azithromycin was an effective therapeutic approach against COVID-19.”
The Epoch Times interviewed Sarah Absher, a registered nurse who worked in the field for 8 years but quit this spring and decided to volunteer with AFLDS after what she witnessed. She expressed her passion for the “medical freedom fight” and offered previously unseen materials to support her claims.
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***************************************************************************************************** "Half of Adults Infected in Latest COVID-19 Outbreak Were Fully Vaccinated: Israeli Official"
By Jack Phillips June 25, 2021 Updated: June 25, 2021 - The EPOCH Times
About 90 percent of new COVID-19 infections in Israel were caused by the CCP virus’s Delta variant, officials said, while adding that about half of the adults infected in the recent outbreak were fully vaccinated.
Ran Balicer, who leads an expert advisory panel for the Israeli government, in announcing the finding on Friday, said that the country might end up implementing another lockdown after opening up earlier this year, according to the Wall Street Journal. The fully vaccinated individuals were inoculated with the Pfizer COVID-19 shot commonly used in Israel.
“The entrance of the delta variant has changed the transition dynamics,” he noted, referring to the B.1.617.2 strain of COVID-19 that has now been detected in more than 70 countries. COVID-19 is the illness caused by the CCP (Chinese Communist Party) virus, otherwise known as the novel coronavirus.
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***************************************************************************************************** America's Frontline Doctors Files Motion for
Temporary Restraining Order Against Use of COVID Vaccine in Children
XAVIER BECERRA, Secretary of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services,
Black & White Partnerships; and ABC Corporations I-V
America's Frontline Doctors (AFLDS) today filed a motion in the U.S. District Court for the Northern District of Alabama requesting a temporary restraining order against the emergency use authorization (EUA) permitting using the COVID-19 vaccines in children under the age of 16, and that no further expansion of the EUAs to children under the age of 16 be granted prior to the resolution of these issues at trial.
The case will challenge the EUAs for the injections on several counts, based on the law and scientific evidence that the EUAs should never have been granted, the EUAs should be revoked immediately, the injections are dangerous biological agents that have the potential to cause substantially greater harm than the COVID-19 disease itself, and that numerous laws have been broken in the process of granting these EUAs and foisting these injections on the American people.
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Motion for Temporary Restraining Order Against Use of COVID Vaccine in Children To Read The Order and see the evidence"
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Motion for Temporary Restraining Order Against Use of COVID Vaccine in Children Lawyer Interview To see the 16 minute Interview"
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**************** Independent Doctors
America's Frontline Doctors Website is https://www.americasfrontlinedoctors.com/ - Link America's Frontline Doctors
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***************************************************************************************************** OSHA
Respiratory Infection Control: Respirators Versus Surgical Masks
It is important that employers and workers understand the significant differences between these two types of personal protective equipment. The decision whether or not to require workers to use either surgical masks or respirators must be based upon a hazard analysis of the workers’ specific work environments and the different protective properties of each type of personal protective equipment.The use of surgical masks or respirators is one practice that may reduce the risk of infectious disease transmission between infected and noninfected persons. Since there is limited historical information on the effectiveness of surgical masks and respirators for the control of influenza during any previous pandemics, the effectiveness of surgical masks and respirators has been inferred on the basis of the mode of influenza transmission, particle size and professional judgment.
Surgical masks are not designed or certified to prevent the inhalation of small airborne contaminants. These particles are not visible to the naked eye but may still be capable of causing infection. Surgical masks are not designed to seal tightly against the user’s face. During inhalation, much of the potentially contaminated air can pass through gaps between the face and the surgical mask and not be pulled through the filter material of the mask. Their ability to filter small particles varies significantly based upon the type of material used to make the surgical mask, so they cannot be relied upon to protect workers against airborne infectious agents. Only surgical masks that are cleared by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration to be legally marketed in the United States have been tested for their ability to resist blood and body fluids.
Due to the ever changing of Article Content - We have a direct Link to the OSHA Article and a downloaded PDF copy of the Article - Date 3/21/21
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***************************************************************************************************** One Year Ago: ‘Gather In Crowds’, ‘Masks Are Useless’…
By Mark Hale - March 21, 2021 Updated: February 8, 2021 - Patriot Truth News
Then Gottlieb dropped some serious truth bombs (which were mysteriously edited out of CNBC’s clip above) saying that within a few weeks, it could be “obvious” that masks may be safely removed, and even more significantly, following CDC’s flip-flopping and confusing rules this week on distancing in schools:
This shocking revelation comes just days after Senator Rand Paul destroyed Dr. Fauci’s so-called “science”-based reasons for various restrictions – from mask-wearing to social-distancing – as ‘useless political theater’.
Interestingly, Gottlieb said “both [Paul and Fauci] made valid points,” but specifically said that “Senator Paul was right, we need to see light at the end of the tunnel and have guidance that prescribes an environment where people can start doing things again.”
Amid the now-politicized divide between nanny-state-obeyers and science-denying-extremists (there is no middle ground anymore), it would appear the entirely opposite-think statements, declarations, and proclamations made by officials one year ago have been almost entirely ‘memory-holed’.
As Sharyl Attkisson points out in an extensively researched note, around this time last year:
Vaccine propagandist Dr. Peter Hotez made the case against travel bans
Dr. Anthony Fauci said there was no reason to walk around wearing masks
New York City’s Health Commissioner urged people to go to crowded places and busy restaurants
Rep. Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) encouraged people to get out and be around others in San Francisco’s Chinatown
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***************************************************************************************************** "Trump Won Two-Thirds of Election Lawsuits Where Merits Considered "
By Matthew Vadum - February 7, 2021 Updated: February 8, 2021 - The EPOCH Times
The claim often repeated by the mainstream media, social-media content moderators, and fact-checkers that lawsuits filed by President Donald Trump’s campaign and Republicans were universally dismissed by the courts is untrue, according to a new analysis.
Of the 22 cases that have been heard by the courts and decided on their merits, Trump and Republicans have prevailed in 15, according to citizen journalist John Droz Jr., a physicist and environmental advocate in Morehead City, N.C.
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To See The Filed Suits" - 2020 Presidential Election Lawsuits Related to Election Integrity
***************************************************************************************************** Orwell’s 1984 and Today
December 2020 • Volume 49, Number 12 • Larry P. Arnn
Imprimis is the free monthly speech digest of Hillsdale College
The following is adapted from a speech delivered at a Hillsdale College reception in Rogers, Arkansas, on November 17, 2020.
On September 17, Constitution Day, I chaired a panel organized by the White House. It was an extraordinary thing. The panel’s purpose was to identify what has gone wrong in the teaching of American history and to lay forth a plan for recovering the truth. It took place in the National Archives—we were sitting in front of the originals of the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution—a very beautiful place. When we were done, President Trump came and gave a speech about the beauty of the American Founding and the importance of teaching American history to the preservation of freedom.
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***************************************************************************************************** ‘You Say We’re All Liars’:
Rand Paul Has Fiery Debate With George Stephanopoulos
By Joseph Curl - • - Jan 24, 2021 - DailyWire.com
"You’re forgetting who you are as a journalist if you think there's only one side."
George Stephanopoulos, the former press secretary for Bill Clinton turned ABC host, came out of the chute fast when he sat down with Kentucky Republican Sen. Rand Paul on Sunday’s “This Week” political talk show.
“Senator Paul, let me begin with a threshold question for you. This election was not stolen, do you accept that fact?”
Paul most definitely did not accept that fact.
“Well, what I would say is that the debate over whether or not there was fraud should occur, we never had any presentation in court where we actually looked at the evidence. Most of the cases were thrown out for lack of standing, which is a procedural way of not actually hearing the question. There were several states in which the law was changed by the Secretary of State and not the state legislature.”
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****************************************************************** Law Professor Dershowitz Outlines Legal Possibilities for Senate on Upcoming Trump Impeachment Trial
By Samuel Allegri - January 23, 2021 Updated: January 23, 2021
Harvard Law School Professor Emeritus Alan Dershowitz shared his expert opinion on free speech and the second impeachment of former President Donald Trump in an interview with The Epoch Times.
He noted that Trump asked for peaceful and patriotic demonstrations. And in America, it has been a custom to differentiate the advocate and the actor, meaning the law should go after the people who commit the crimes, and not the speaker, saying that this principle goes back to a letter that Thomas Jefferson wrote in 1801.
He commented on what options the Senate could take.
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****************************************************************** WHO Changes CCP Virus Test Criteria in Attempt to Reduce False Positives
By Meiling Lee - January 23, 2021 Updated: January 23, 2021
The World Health Organization (WHO) has cautioned experts not to rely solely on the results of a PCR test to detect the CCP virus.
In updated guidance published on Jan. 20, the WHO said that lab experts and health care practitioners should also consider the patient’s history and epidemiological risk factors alongside the PCR test in diagnosing the CCP virus.
The new guidance could result in significantly fewer daily cases.
****************************************************************** Fighting the Good Fight: What I Learned at the Rally
By Jeff Minick - January 11, 2021 Updated: January 11, 2021
Here’s what I witnessed in Washington on Jan. 6 at the Save America March.
Surrounding me were patriotic Americans who had traveled from all parts of our land to protest what they believed was a fraudulent election. My daughter’s friend had secured VIP seating for our party, but few people sat during the event. Instead, many of them danced, tapped their feet, or sang to the music from the loudspeakers. Others chatted and laughed with friends, stood on the chairs to snap pictures of the enormous crowd, and enthusiastically applauded the speakers.
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********** Nation
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*************************************************************************************************** Judicial Watch - Fitton: Hope for a Failed Election Dec 28, 2020
Judicial Watch - President Tom Fitton.
Fitton: Hope for a Failed Election
Election Crisis CONTINUES!
NEW SMOKING GUN Biden-Ukraine Email--Biden NEEDS to be Investigated! Don’t miss it! & More
The evidence overwhelmingly shows officials in key battleground states—as the result of a coordinated pressure campaign by Democrats and allied groups—violated the Constitution, state and federal law in changing mail-in voting rules that resulted in unlawful and invalid certifications of Biden victories.
There is no doubt President Donald J. Trump is the lawful winner of the presidential election.
Dirty voter rolls were and have been a major problem. A September Judicial Watch study revealed there are 1.8 million excess, or ‘ghost’ voters in 353 counties across 29 states. In contested Fulton county Georgia, there was a voter 109% registration rate – that is, more names on the rolls than eligible voting age citizens. Similar problems were uncovered in Pennsylvania, Nevada and Michigan, among other states.
Tom Fitton: Anyone Who Says There's No Evidence of Voter Fraud is Ignorant or Lying to You!
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***************************************************************************************************** Pennsylvania Senate Resolution 410
Bill Text: PA SR410 | 2019-2020 | Regular Session | Introduced
Bill Title: A Concurrent Resolution disputing the 2020 General Election and urging the United States Congress to recognize and count as the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania's electoral votes for President and Vice President only the electoral votes as are certified directly by the Senate and House of Representatives by subsequent concurrent resolution.
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***************************************************************************************************** Governor Ron DeSantis Announces the “Combatting Violence, Disorder and Looting and Law Enforcement Protection Act”
On September 21, 2020, in News Releases, by Staff
Proposed legislation includes new criminal offenses and increases penalties for individuals involved in violent or disorderly assemblies
Winter Haven, Fla. — Today, Governor Ron DeSantis announced new legislation to stop violent assemblies and protect law enforcement. The proposed legislation, the “Combatting Violence, Disorder and Looting and Law Enforcement Protection Act,” creates new criminal offenses and increases penalties for those who target law enforcement and participate in violent or disorderly assemblies.
“Our right to peacefully assemble is one of our most cherished as Americans, but throughout the country we’ve seen that right being taken advantage of by professional agitators, bent on sowing disorder and causing mayhem in our cities,” said Governor DeSantis. “I will not allow this kind of violence to occur here in Florida. The legislation announced today will not only combat rioting and looting, but also protect the men and women in law enforcement that wake up every day to keep us safe. I look forward to working with the Florida Legislature next session to sign this proposal into law.”
***************************************************************************************************** One Dead, Suspect in Custody After Gunfire During Pro-Trump Rally, Counter-Demonstration
By Zachary Stieber October 10, 2020 Updated: October 11, 2020 - The Epoch Times
A suspect is in custody after a person was shot dead on Saturday during a pro-President Donald Trump rally in Denver that had been disrupted by counter-demonstrators.
The shooting took place in the courtyard of the Denver Art Museum at approximately 3:37 p.m., Denver Police Investigations Division Chief Joe Montoya told reporters at a press conference.
A verbal altercation transpired just before the shooting.
The person who was struck by gunfire died, police officials said. The shooting is being investigated as a homicide.
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Suspect in Custody
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***************************************************************************************************** Judge Rules Pennsylvania Governor’s Shutdown Orders Unconstitutional
By Jack Phillips - September 14, 2020 Updated: September 14, 2020 The Epoch Times
A federal judge has struck down Pennsylvania Gov. Tom Wolf’s CCP virus restrictions that required people to stay at home, put limits on gatherings, and ordered “non-life-sustaining” businesses to stay shut down.
U.S. District Judge William Stickman IV on Sept. 14 sided with plaintiffs that included drive-in movie theaters, hair salons, farmers markets, and several GOP officials who sued as individuals. Butler, Greene, Fayette, and Washington counties were also listed as plaintiffs.
Stickman’s judgment stipulates that “the congregate gathering limits imposed by defendants’ mitigation orders violate the right of assembly enshrined in the First Amendment,” the “stay-at-home and business closure components of defendants’ orders violate the due process clause of the Fourteenth Amendment,” and “the business closure components of Defendants’ orders violate the Equal Protection Clause of the Fourteenth Amendment.”
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***************************************************************************************************** 2020 Election - Trump and Biden Policy Stances - a Summary
By Charlotte Cuthbertson - September 2, 2020 Updated: September 2, 2020 The Epoch Times
This list gives a basic outline of the platforms of the Republican and Democratic parties in the 2020 election. The Epoch Times has included actions the Trump administration has taken in its first term.
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Policy Stances
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***************************************************************************************************** WHO Official Urges World Leaders to Stop Using Lockdowns as Primary Method Against CCP Virus
By Ivan Pentchoukov October 11, 2020 Updated: October 11, 2020 - The Epoch Times
The World Health Organization’s special envoy on COVID-19 has urged world leaders to stop using lockdowns as the primary control method against the spread of the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) virus, commonly known as the novel coronavirus.
“We in the World Health Organization do not advocate lockdowns as the primary means of control of this virus,” David Nabarro told The Spectator in an interview aired on Oct. 8. “The only time we believe a lockdown is justified is to buy you time to reorganize, regroup, rebalance your resources, protect your health workers who are exhausted, but by and large, we’d rather not do it.”
Nabarro pointed to the collateral damage that lockdowns are having worldwide, especially among poorer populations.
“Just look at what’s happened to the tourism industry, for example in the Caribbean or in the Pacific, because people aren’t taking their holidays. Look what’s happened to smallholder farmers all over the world because their markets have got dented. Look what’s happening to poverty levels. It seems that we may well have a doubling of world poverty by next year. Seems that we may well have at least a doubling of child malnutrition because children are not getting meals at school and their parents, in poor families, are not able to afford it,” Nabarro said.
“This is a terrible, ghastly global catastrophe actually,” he added. “And so we really do appeal to all world leaders: Stop using lockdown as your primary control method, develop better systems for doing it, work together and learn from each other, but remember—lockdowns just have one consequence that you must never ever belittle, and that is making poor people an awful lot poorer.
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***************************************************************************************************** Dr. Ezekiel Emanuel’s War Against the Elderly
By Wesley J. Smith - September 21, 2020 Updated: September 23, 2020 The Epoch Times
No group of Americans has been more deleteriously affected by the COVID-19 pandemic than our elderly. For younger people without significant preexisting health conditions, the novel coronavirus usually comes and goes without serious consequences.
But for the elderly—particularly the frail and those with comorbidities—it’s a terrible killer.
Indeed, according to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, the risk of death for COVID-19 patients aged 65 to 74 is 90 times higher when compared to the risk of death for COVID-19 patients ages 18 to 29. The risk of death for patients 75 to 84 is 220 times higher. And get this: For patients age 85-plus, the risk of death is a staggering 630 times higher.
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War Against the Elderly
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***************************************************************************************************** This video is about Dr. Bartlett's experience with treating COVID19 and his success.
Total # Deaths From Covid 19 In Japan Singapore Taiwan And Iceland Less Than The # Who Have Died In A Handful Of New York State Nursing Homes. Two Of These Countries Where People Are Stacked On Top Of One Another Have Had Deaths Totals In Single Digits.
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Johns Hopkins experts in global public health, infectious disease, and emergency preparedness have been at the forefront of the international response to COVID-19.
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Johns Hopkins
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***************************************************************************************************** The Big COVID Con - Exposed
By Brian C. Joondeph, M.D. - September 2, 2020
Brian C. Joondeph, M.D., is a Denver-based physician and freelance writer whose pieces have appeared in American Thinker, Daily Caller, Rasmussen Reports, and other publications. Follow him on Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter, Parler, and QuodVerum.
One of the great grifter movies, aside from the Clinton and Obama presidencies, is The Sting. Henry Gondorff (Paul Newman) and Johnny Hooker (Robert Redford} team up, “to pull off a complicated scheme known simple as the Big Con,” a racket to crush Doyle Lonnegan (Robert Shaw) and his empire.
We have had several iterations of the Big Con over the past four years, with Gondorff and Hooker played by a rotating cast including James Comey, John Brennan, James Clapper, Joe Biden, Susan Rice, Hillary Clinton, and Barack Obama. All schemed and conspired to destroy Donald Trump and his family and presidency.
The latest sequel features Drs. Anthony Fauci and Deborah Birx as the grifters and swindlers, using the Chinese coronavirus as the Big Con to keep President Trump from winning a second term in the White House. In the movie, the con succeeded but in Washington D.C., the con-verse is happening, with the schemes blowing up in the faces of the deep state grifters.
The new CDC statistics show that only 6,640 deaths are due to COVID alone, rather than the commonly reported 164,280 deaths allegedly associated with COVID. In other words, only 4 percent of media sensationalized deaths were due solely to COVID and not other underlying medical conditions.
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CDC Web Page
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***************************************************************************************************** Watchdog identifies 50,000 double-voters, 350,000 dead persons still on rolls
By Stephen Dinan - The Washington Times Wednesday, September 16, 2020
A watchdog group reviewed voter records from more than 40 states and found nearly 350,000 dead voters still on the rolls, and more than 50,000 people who cast more than one ballot in the 2018 election.
Many of those “apparent double-votes” were mail ballots, the Public Interest Legal Foundation said in its report Wednesday.
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***************************************************************************************************** 2.5 Million ‘Extra’ Registrants on Voting Rolls
Fitton: Judicial Watch Finds 2.5 Million ‘Extra’ Registrants on Voting Rolls – Warns 5 States to Clean Up or Face Federal Lawsuit
One of the most important things we can do in this election year is continue to force states and counties across the nation to comply with the National Voter Registration Act of 1993 (NVRA).
And we are. We have sent notice-of-violation letters to 19 large counties in five states that we intend to sue unless they take steps to comply with the law and remove ineligible voter registrations within 90 days. Section 8 of the act requires jurisdictions to take reasonable efforts to remove ineligible registrations from their rolls.
These 378 counties combined had about 2.5 million registrations over the 100%-registered mark, which is a drop of about one million from our previous analysis of voter registration data. Although San Diego County removed 500,000 inactive names from voter rolls following our settlement with Los Angeles County, San Diego still has a registration rate of 117% and has one of the highest registration rates in the county.
We found major voting list issues in California, Pennsylvania, North Carolina, Virginia, and Colorado.
In 2018, the Supreme Court upheld a massive voter roll cleanup that resulted from our settlement of a federal lawsuit with Ohio. California also settled a similar lawsuit with us that last year began the process of removing up to 1.5 million “inactive” names from Los Angeles County voting rolls. Kentucky also began a cleanup of up to 250,00 names last year after it entered into a consent decree to end another Judicial Watch lawsuit.
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Voting Rolls
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***************************************************************************************************** Ep. 146 — The Left Is Weaponizing Medicine
PragerU is changing the minds of millions worldwide.
Why is there so much hate and mockery around a single medication? Is there really no evidence of its efficacy? Dennis Prager has been following this politicized medication for months and provides scientific facts that the mainstream media attempts to suppress.
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"Four Months of Unprecedented Government Malfeasance
May/June 2020 • Volume 49, Number 5/6 • Heather Mac Donald
Imprimis is the free monthly speech digest of Hillsdale College
Over the last four months, Americans have lived through what is arguably the most consequential period of government malfeasance in U.S. history. Public officials’ overreaction to the novel coronavirus put American cities into a coma; those same officials’ passivity in the face of widespread rioting threatens to deliver the coup de grāce. Together, these back-to-back governmental failures will transform the American polity and cripple urban life for decades.
Before store windows started shattering in the name of racial justice, urban existence was already on life support, thanks to the coronavirus lockdowns. Small businesses—the restaurants and shops that are the lifeblood of cities—were shuttered, many for good, leaving desolate rows of “For Rent” signs on street after street in New York City and elsewhere. Americans huddled in their homes for months on end, believing that if they went outside, death awaited them.
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"Trump Signs ‘Hiring American’ Executive Order to Prioritize US Workers
By Tom Ozimek - August 3, 2020 Updated: August 3, 2020 - The Epoch Times
President Donald Trump signed an executive order on Monday that requires federal agencies to prioritize U.S. labor in federal contracts, ensure only American citizens are appointed to the competitive service, and stop employers from moving H-1B workers into jobs in a way that displaces U.S. workers.
“We believe jobs must be offered to American workers first,” Trump said in a statement.
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***************************************************************************************************** "Estimated Influenza Illnesses - Not Covid-19:
Estimated Influenza Illnesses, Medical visits, Hospitalizations, and Deaths in the United States
— 2018–2019 influenza season
Be sure to check out "Table 1: Estimated influenza disease burden, by age group — United States, 2018-2019 influenza season"
From this Page you will be able to Link to the data from Past Years back to 2010 - 2011
To See the Data From the "Centers for Disease Control"
***************************************************************************************************** "STRAIGHT FACTS":
A.G. William Barr UNLOADS On Democrats That Say Police ARE BRINGING VIOLENCE
To See the House Hearing On Federal Response to the Riots
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A.G. William Barr
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***************************************************************************************************** Statue of Jesus Found Toppled, Beheaded in Miami, Church Says
By Jack Phillips
July 19, 2020 Updated: July 19, 2020 The Epoch Times
A statue of Jesus Christ was found toppled and beheaded at a Catholic church in Miami, an act of vandalism that probably will be investigated as a hate crime, church officials said.
The attack that occurred sometime between late on July 14 and the morning of July 15 at Miami-Dade’s Good Shepherd Catholic Church was likely targeted, Rev. Edivaldo da Silva said. The statue was decapitated and removed from its pedestal, he said.
“This crime reflects the increasing attacks on the Catholic church across the country,” the archdiocese said in a statement, referring to a series of arson attempts on churches in recent days in the midst of nationwide unrest.
Similar acts of vandalism have included the toppling of the statue of Rev. Junipero Serra, the priest who founded the California mission system. In another incident, a man attempted to set a Florida church on fire after crashing into it earlier this month. Meanwhile, a statue of the Virgin Mary was desecrated in Tennessee over the weekend.
The pastor of St. Stephen Catholic Church in Chattanooga, Tennessee, found the statue decapitated on July 18, according to the Catholic News Agency. The statue’s head hasn’t been located.
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Hate Crime
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***************************************************************************************************** New York, New Jersey Mail-in Voting Problems May Foreshadow Difficulties in Upcoming Presidential Vote
By Matthew Vadum
July 14, 2020 Updated: July 14, 2020 The Epoch Times
The unique problems posed by voting-by-mail are being blamed for election fraud in New Jersey and for a now-three-week delay in counting ballots for New York City’s primary elections, with many races yet to be decided.
These difficulties may foreshadow larger problems to come in the November presidential elections.
The processing backlog in the Big Apple wouldn’t necessarily be a big concern normally, but with voters worried about contracting the CCP virus from casting ballots in-person, voting-by-mail was reportedly unusually heavy in the city’s electoral contests.
Officials can’t keep up.
“In Manhattan in 2016, there were approximately 7,000 presidential primary absentee voters,” ABC News quoted Sarah Steiner, who used to chair the New York City Bar’s Election Law Committee. “And you had Hillary [Clinton] and Bernie [Sanders]. That was a competitive [Democratic Party] primary.”
But in 2020, absentee primary votes in Manhattan increased to more than 121,000.
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Mail-in Voting
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***************************************************************************************************** The Association of American Physicians and Surgeons has sued the federal government, alleging "irrational interference"
with doctors' efforts to prescribe hydroxychloroquine for COVID-19 patients.
The AAPS complaint argues that various restrictions and limits interfere with due process.
"Defendants violate the equal protection guarantee implicit in the Due Process Clause of the Fifth Amendment to the U.S. Constitution by discriminating based on a patient's hospitalization status, illness status, and access to clinical trials," the organization contends.
"Defendants lack the authority to override the discretion of a medical professional to prescribe off-label uses of FDA-approved drugs. The decision-making underlying the j[Emergency Use Authorization] was tainted by bias, and thus it is arbitrary and capricious. The Administrative Procedure Act directs courts to 'hold unlawful and set aside agency action … found to be … contrary to constitutional right, power, privilege or immunity.'"
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YouTube Censors Video of California Doctors Calling for Reopening of Country
YouTube has taken down a video of two doctors from Bakersfield, California, who held a press conference calling for the reopening of the country. According to the Google-owned video platform, the doctors “violated community guidelines.”
The doctors, Dan Erickson and Artin Massihi, operate out of an urgent care clinic in Bakersfield. Citing fatality statistics in California, the doctors argued that the Chinese virus has proven less deadly than anticipated.
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Must Read: Schumer Targeted by Gun Confiscation Law After Threatening SCOTUS Justices
By Christine Favocci - Published March 6, 2020 at 11:35am/font>
A pro-Second Amendment group has filed an application for a temporary extreme risk protection order against Senate Minority Leader Sen. Chuck Schumer after the New York Democrat threatened two United States Supreme Court justices.
“I want to tell you Gorsuch, I want to tell you Kavanaugh: You have released the whirlwind and you will pay the price! You won’t know what hit you if you go forward with these awful decisions.”
In a letter to Democratic New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo, Erich Pratt, senior vice president of the pro-Second Amendment group Gun Owners of America, urged the pro-gun control governor to apply New York’s red flag law equitably.
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Must Read: National Debt Is $122 Trillion, Not $23 Trillion, Says Non-profit Group
Written by Bob Adelmann
When Epoch Times’ Mark Tapscott checked the U.S. Treasury’s “Debt to the Penny” website on Monday, he reported that the U.S. national debt just ticked over to $23.3 trillion. That’s four times what it was 20 years ago.
Tapscott then checked in with the Chicago-based nonprofit advocacy group Truth in Accounting (TIA) to get a more accurate reading. Said Bill Bergman, the group’s director of research, the Treasury misses the real national debt by $100 trillion, explaining that “the U.S. Treasury does not include the unfunded obligations for Social Security and Medicare.”
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MUST WATCH: Trump Impeachment - Pam Bondi lays out case against Joe Biden, Hunter Biden, Burisma
Pam Bondi, the former attorney general of Florida who is a member of the Trump impeachment legal team, outlined on Jan. 27 the concerns she said the president had about potential corruption on the part of the Bidens in Ukraine. Bondi pointed to numerous news reports raising questions about Hunter Biden’s appointment to the board of Ukrainian energy company Burisma. The move “looks nepotistic at best, nefarious at worst,” Bondi said, speaking on the Senate floor during the impeachment trial. While some ethics experts have said Hunter Biden’s seat on the Burisma board could raise the appearance of a conflict of interest, independent news reports have found no wrongdoing by Hunter Biden or former vice president Joe Biden. Democrats argue Trump used the idea of corruption as a cover for efforts to get Ukraine to investigate his political rival. Trump’s defense team is presenting their arguments as part of the Senate impeachment trial. The trial has entered a pivotal week as his defense team resumes its case and senators face a critical vote on whether to hear witnesses or proceed directly to a vote that is widely expected to end in his acquittal. The articles of impeachment charge Trump with abuse of power and obstruction of Congress. The House of Representatives impeached the president in December on those two counts.
Watch Pam present the facts - Click the Link
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***************************************************************************************************** Focused Civil Dialogue on Global Warming
Professor Happer: Thank you very much for agreeing to this interview, and to participate in the upcoming Focused Civil Dialogue on global warming with the Australian physicist, David Karoly. The global warming controversy is both exceedingly complicated and highly charged emotionally. Our goal in these interviews is to lay the groundwork for a productive Focused Civil Dialogue between you and Professor Karoly. In this interview, we will explore the issues from a number of different angles, both scientific and political .
William Happer is the Cyrus Fogg Brackett Professor of Physics, Emeritus, in the Department of Physics at Princeton University. A long-time member of JASON, a group of scientists which provides independent advice to the U.S. government on matters relating to science, technology, and national security, Happer served as Director of the U.S. Department of Energy’s Office of Science from 1991–1993.
Best known to the general public as a vocal critic of the U.N. IPCC “consensus” on global warming, he has been called frequently to give expert testimony before various U.S. congressional committees on the subject of global warming (climate change). In 2015, he found himself at the center of a new controversy involving a so-called “sting” operation organized by Greenpeace.
T read interview and see the evidence: Click the Link
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***************************************************************************************************** Constitutional Attorney Edwin Vieira Exposes The Criminality Of Red Flag Laws
Red Flag laws have been being promoted for a while now. President Donald Trump got behind them following the Parkland, Florida shooting and they have been advanced by Republicans and Democrats alike with many states, including a majority of Republican-led states advancing them as though they are lawful. Constitutional attorney Edwin Vieira joins me in this episode to expose how these laws violate virtually half of the Bill of Rights and are a danger to liberty.
To watch the video (55 minutes) & read more about Red Flag Laws: Click the Link
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*************************************************************************************************** Convention of States
Who is Publius Huldah? She is the writer of the flyer below. She is US Army JAG, retired, Joanna Martin.
Some of you met her at the Spotlight on Special Americans speaker event in March. There could be some candidates currently running for office who support a convention of states. You might want to ask them if they support a Constitutional Convention. We need candidates and elected officials to defend our Constitution!
The Nightmare Amendments from COSP’s “simulated convention” show why
Virginia should reject any candidates for office who support an Article V convention
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Convention of States
Who is Publius Huldah? She is the writer of the flyer below. She is US Army JAG, retired, Joanna Martin.
Some of you met her at the Spotlight on Special Americans speaker event in March. There could be some candidates currently running for office who support a convention of states. You might want to ask them if they support a Constitutional Convention. We need candidates and elected officials to defend our Constitution!
The Nightmare Amendments from COSP’s “simulated convention” show why
Virginia should reject any candidates for office who support an Article V convention
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Sept 5, 2018
Wharton's Olivia Mitchell and Leora Friedberg of the University of Virginia discuss the $4.4 trillion public sector pension shortfall.
Not Enough time, Not Enough Money
Sanitation workers, firefighters, teachers and other state and local government employees have performed their duties in the public sector for decades with the understanding that their often lackluster salaries were propped up by excellent benefits, including an ironclad pension. But Moody’s Investors Service recently estimated that public pensions are underfunded by $4.4 trillion. That amount, which is equivalent to the economy of Germany, accounts for one-fifth of national debt. It’s a significant concern for public employees who were banking on a fully funded retirement to get them through their golden years.
To Listen to the podcast and read the background information - Click on Our Link
Controversial ways the government has spent taxpayers' money
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*************************************************************************************************** Who is my Legislator?
This one click website allows you to find all your State and
Federal Legislators at the same time. You will get Phone Number, Email,
Address, Party, District, Committees, Subcommittees and more.
Federal Constitutional Convention - What You Do Not Know !!
Introduction by Representative "The Honorable Mark D. Stubbs"
of ID State Legislature.
This video emphasizes the inability of state legislators to prevent a "runaway" federal constitutional
convention. Learn why state legislatures should not apply to Congress for an Article V convention of
the states based on evaluations of the con-con process by prominent constitutional scholars.
To See and Hear This Important Information - Click on Our Link
Article V
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For more information read "Nullification vs. Constitutional Convention:
How to Save Our Republic"
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ACLJ Wins Significant Victory
Against the Obama
Administration’s IRS Targeting
They just secured a major victory in federal appeals court against the Obama Administration’s IRS.
The court unequivocally agreed with the position that the IRS’s targeting of conservatives has not ended
and that the ACLJ clients – numerous conservative, Tea Party, and pro-life groups – deserve to have
their day in court.
Barton: ObamaCare Website's Hidden Source Code Says "Users Have No Reasonable Expectation of Privacy"
This Video is about 5 minutes long.
Joe Barton is a good guy, a Texas Aggie, a Republican and a conservative.
Even democrats should be disgusted with what's going on with Obamacare. Watch this video and you'll
see what I mean. You might as well say bye bye to your privacy.
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ObamaCare and Privacy
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Originally broadcasted March 8, 2007 on British Channel 4.
The film, made by British television producer Martin Durkin, presents scientists, economists,
politicians, writers, and others who dispute the scientific consensus regarding anthropogenic
global warming. The programme's publicity materials assert that man-made global warming is "a lie"
and "the biggest scam of modern times.
To Watch This Presentation - Click on Our Link below
or go to our "Video Page link" above.
King William "TEA" Party
(Taxed Enough Already)
What Can I Say ?
If You like What we do - Your Donations will Make it Happen !!
How To Donate:
Mail A Check:
Payable To - King William Tea Party Inc
King William Tea Party Inc.
106 Cherry Hill Circle, East
Aylett, VA 23009
Come to Our Meetings and Donate There.
How are your Donations Spent?
1. The Materials that create the Yellow signs you see around the county.
2. The ads and inserts you see and get in the local Newspapers.
3. Some of our Meetings call for space to be paid for.
Not a penny of the Donations goes to a salary for any of our volunteers and officiers.
In fact they donate their materials, time and talent without protest and all for a reward
of knowing they are among the last defenders of the freedoms we were given by our Founding Fathers.
If our Tax Dollars were spent in like manner - There would be no National Debt.